Children's Book Festival and Magazines
The regular event
transforms the South Bohemian Research Library in a space where
children live with writers or illustrators of children's booksand magazines,
explore the library's offerings and its secret corners. There is also a theatre
or a favourite Friday reading with Zauzlína, competitions, party games,
Reading from Písek
The town of Písek is a place with a rich literary and cultural tradition with numerous monuments relating to literary works and their authors. However, the city is also a contemporary cultural centre worth visiting and relive. Designed for everyone who wants to know the town of Písek "differently" than according to the tourist guide.
Literary Šumava
Regular meeting of South Bohemian and West Bohemian librarians, learning about the history of Šumava, regional literary monuments and personalities. Mutual meeting in different places of Šumava and nowadays, not only her, professional lectures, insight into literary history and exchange of experiences are the main bonuses for participants.
...and much more...
Antidiscotheque - Bookroom- We read and we are not alone- We read together with the lion reader- Reader League-Reading with Zauzlína- The Heritage of Šumava- Children read to children- Morning for the little ones-Touch history- South Bohemian Smile- Friend Library- Where the World Ends - If I were a king- Library - A Place Alive - Rooster Cross- Community School- - Roots - Library Activist Circle- Forests and Nature Around Us- Pearl Hunters - Small autumn meeting- On bikes by libraries - Don't Be afraid of the Internet- Literature Night- Andersen Night- Through the Eyes of Generations-Dub a Reader- Know your native lump- Holiday camps in libraries- Prohledárium-Prvňáček- A Blind Date with a Book- - Seniors Write Wikipedia -All-Knower from Skalice- Study tours of libraries and monuments- - Tabook - A little bit of poetry won't kill anyone- We are not bored in the library- Virtual Colleague- VU3V- Zeyers' Vodňany...